Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Bringing Bowling Back

I can take a guess, that for most people, the last time you went bowling was most likely for someones 8th birthday party. I'm sure that most of us clearly remember using those dinosaur shaped bowling shoots that guaranteed at least a spare or pretending that we were some sort of astronaut with those slightly ridiculous bowling shoes. Even though times have changed, and we don't go around searching for the heaviest ball to throw down the lane or turn every knob of the prize machines to see if one will magically come out, okay maybe sometimes, bowling still lives on.

        There is nothing quite like getting a group of friends together and reliving those golden years, only hopefully with a better score this time, without having to spend a ridiculous amount of extra money you most likely need for late night wawa runs or for when you're running late to class and you car is on empty. Devon Lanes has great deals for everyone, including college students.
      Sunday & Monday: 3$ cover change per person and 1$ games per person (8pm- close)
      Tuesday: 2$ per person per game, 2$ shoe rental per person  (8pm-close)
      Wednesday Bottomless Bowl: 12$ per person- 3 hour bowling with shoes (8pm to close)
       Thursday Quartermania: 6$ per person, .50 cent per game
       Friday & Saturday: prices and times vary
       Sunday Rise and Shine: 1$ per person per game with 2$ shoe rental per person
  Now you not only know what to do with your weekend, but also with your weeknights! 

-Because Happiness can be 1$ games

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